
Saturday, May 24, 2014


1.   All deer in a forest ecosystem areconsidered as….
 (deer: rusa)

2.A leaf-eater caterpillar lives on the stem of a mulberry plant. The caterpillar is a….
 (leaf_eater:pemakan_daun,caterpillar:ulat,stem:batang,mulberry:murbei )
c.First consumer
d.Second consumer

3.Bacteria and saprophytic fungi act as….
 ( fungi: jamur)
b.First consumer

4.Look at the following picture

The above figure show….
(artificial: buatan)
a.A natural ecosystem
b.An artificial ecosystem
c.A community
d.A population

5.Biotic components of the above aquatic community are….

 (snail: keong,soil: tanah,stone: batu)
a.Fish, aquatic plants, snails, andbacteria
b.Soil, water, stones, and air
c.Fish, air and bacteria
d.Aquatic plants, bacteria, and soil

6.In an aquarium, living organisms which act as producers are….
(act: berperan)
a.All fish
b.Water and soil
c.All aquatic plants

7.The abiotic components in an aquarium are….
 (bottom:dasar )
a.Water, soil, air and stones
b.Fish, plants, and snails
c.Bacteria at the bottom of theaquarium
d.Water, fish and air

8. Question are related with the followingstatements.
Two grasshoppers, 10 stems of cogongrass, 25small stones, 4 pieces of plastic waste, and 20red ants, are found in an area of land which is2 meters wide and 3 meters long.(grasshopper: belalang, cogongrass: alang2, pieces: potong,ant: semut, found: ditemukan,land: daratan,wide: lebar,long: panjang)
The numbers of populations found within that land are….

9.Question are related with the followingstatements.
Two grasshoppers, 10 stems of cogongrass, 25small stones, 4 pieces of plastic waste, and 20red ants, are found in an area of land which is2 meters wide and 3 meters long.(grasshopper: belalang, cogongrass: alang2, pieces: potong,ant: semut, found: ditemukan,land: daratan,wide: lebar,long: panjang)
The population with the highest density within that land is….
 (highest: tertinggi,density: kepadatan)
a.Grasshoppers ants
c.small stones

10.Question are related with the followingstatements.
Two grasshoppers, 10 stems of cogongrass, 25small stones, 4 pieces of plastic waste, and 20red ants, are found in an area of land which is2 meters wide and 3 meters long.(grasshopper: belalang, cogongrass: alang2, pieces: potong,ant: semut, found: ditemukan,land: daratan,wide: lebar,long: panjang)
The density of cogongrass within that land is….
(square_meters: meter_persegi)
a.10 stems/6 meters
b.10 stems/6 square meters
c.10 stems/5 square meters
d.10 stems/5 meters

11.Question are related with the followingstatements.
Two grasshoppers, 10 stems of cogongrass, 25small stones, 4 pieces of plastic waste, and 20red ants, are found in an area of land which is2 meters wide and 3 meters long.(grasshopper: belalang, cogongrass: alang2, pieces: potong,ant: semut, found: ditemukan,land: daratan,wide: lebar,long: panjang)
Component which are not  a member of the community within that land area are….
a.Ants and grasshopper
b.Only cogongrass
c.Grasshopper and cogongrass
d.Stones and plastics

12.The one which is not  included as an abiotic component is….
 (included:termasuk )

13.Based on the occurrence process, an ecosystem can be classified into….
 (based: berdasarkan, occurance: kejadian,classified: dibedakan,lake: danau,pond: kolam)
a.Natural and artificial ecosystem
b.Swamp and freshwater ecosystem
c.Lake and rice field ecosystems
d.Aquarium and pond ecosystem

14. In an aquatic ecosystem, zooplankton acts as a….
b.Second consumer
c.First consumer

15.Energy is consecutively  transferred  from(consecutively: secara_berurutan,transferr ed: ditransfer )
a.The sun – plants - first consumers - second consumers – thirdconsumer
b.The sun – omnivores – carnivores – herbivores
c  Plants - the sun - first consumers - second consumers – thirdconsumer
d.Plants - first consumers – second consumers - third consumers – The sun

16. Look at the food web

An organism which acts as a top consumers is a….
 (top: puncak,civet: musang)
c.wolf and a cat
d.wolf and a civet

17.Organisms which act as second consumers are a….
a.rat and a chicken
b.chicken and a cat
c. cat and a civet
d. civet and a wolf

18. Organisms which act as first consumers are a….
a. rat and a chicken
b. chicken and a cat
c. cat and a civet
d. civet and a wolf

19. The food web shown in the diagram consists of….
(Chain:rantai  )
a.Two food chain
b.Three food chain
c.Four food chain
d.One food chain

20.Direct energy transfer occurs from….
 (direct:langsung,occur:terjadi )
a.A decomposer to a consumer
b.A consumer to a producer
c.A producer to the sun
d.The sun to a producer

21.The correct statement about the ratio of population quantity that constructs
a. pyramid of food is….
(correct: benar, statement: pernyataan, ratio:perbandinngan, quantity: jumlah, that: yang, construct: menyusun,less:lebih_sedikit, compared: dibandingkan,higher:lebih_tinggi )
a.A producer is less in quantitycompared to the first consumer
b.A producer is less in quantitycompared to the second consumer
c.A first consumer is less in quantitycompared to the producer
d.A second consumer is higher inquantity compared to the firstconsumer

22.The phenomenon of eating and beingeaten in nature is called….
 ( phenomenon: fenomena,web: jaring2)
b.Food chain
c.Food web
d.Life web

23.An example of the dependence of biotic components on abiotic components is….
(dependence : ketergantungan, on: pada, loosen: kehilangan,fertilized: tersuburkan,human: manusia,conduct: melakukan,build: membangun,terrace: terasering,prevent: menjaga, landslide: longsor )
a.Dry soil loosens and is fertilized byhumans
b.Humans conduct reforestation ondeforestation land
c.Human need water and oxygen
d.Human build terraces to preventlandslides

24.The correct statement about interdependence is….
( interdependence: saling ketergantungan)
a.A decomposer depends onconsumers, and consumers dependon decomposers
b.A decomposer depends on producers,and producers depend on consumers
c.A consumer depends on producers,and producers depend ondecomposers
d.A consumer and producer directlydepend on decomposers

25.Below which is not an example of interdependence among biotic components….
(hen: ayam_betina, roaster: ayam_jantan, goat: kambing, suck: menghisap)
a.A hen need a roaster for reproduction
b.A goat eats grass
c.A chicken and a goat need oxygen

d.A bee sucks honey from flowers

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