
Saturday, June 11, 2016


Choose a, b, c or d by way of putting a cross in the most correct answer!

1. Every animal has particular characteristics associated with....
a. behavior
b. the color of her
c. environment
d. by moving

2. Consider the following picture. Part bats help to climb on the rocks or trees, indicated by numbers .... 

a. 1
b. 3
c. 2
d. 4

3. Which statement is true about bats is ....
a. bat foraging during the day
b. can determine the direction of bats fly just by usingthe sense of sight
c. senses other thaneyesight, bats also emit sounds to determine the direction offly
d. the sound wave reflectionsissued bats will be recaptured by the sense of sight.

4. echolocation is the ability of bats to determine the direction of flight, food, and environmental conditions using....
a. the eye
b. sound
c. eye and sound
d. the ear

5. Position bat during sleep is....
a. dependent on the bodyinverted
b. depending purring
c. standing with wings covering its body
d. dependent with stretched wings

6. geckos can catch insects as food byusing....
a. foot
b. mouth
c. the tongueshort
d. long tongue and sticky

7. the duck can swim in the water by using....
a. a flapping
b. skin membrane on the sidelines foot
c. tail
d. wings and tail

8. rod that contains a lot of water on a cactus useful to ....
a. protect themselves from predators
b. withstand the heat from the outside
c. reduce water evaporation
d. store a backup water in the dry season

9. characteristics ....cactus plants are
a. leavedthick and wide
b. hollow stems and leaves of thick
c. juicy stems and small leaves
d. large stems and leaves a thin wide

10. plants that eat insects aimed at meeting the needs of....
a. oxygen
b. hydrogen
c. nitrogen
d. water

Fill in the blanks on the following questions with the correct answer.

1. The wings of bats have skin ....
2. Section prominent, shaped lines on foot lizard serves as ...
3. Shape half of the flat and wide on a duck is useful for ... .
4. the cactus is a plant that lives in the area ....
5. plants including insectivorous is ....
6. Bats forage at the time ....
7. spines on a cactus is actually a ....
8. Nepenthes plants and insects Morning catch insects because it contains many
9. living creature has a special feature with the goal ....
10. to catch prey, lizards have ....

Please answer the following questions with brief and clear.

1. Why bats when flying on a dark night not hit the trees?
2. Explain why geckos can walk on walls.
3. Mention the characteristics of special duck.
4. Describe the process of catching insects on plants pitcher.
5. Can cactus live in our area? 

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