Saya membuat titik ingatan untuk peristiwa kemarin tentang jakarta yang tidak lain serambi dominan Indonesia yang membuat tersungkurnya keadilan akibat pola pikir yang kurang tepat dan berdampak ke dunia
Dear my fellow moslem in Indonesia who totally supports AHOK to be jailed congratulations! Now maybe you're happy with the 2 yr's sentences and also I'd like to congratulate all of ya for made Islam image got worst in ALL OVER THE WORLD! In the time where most of the moslems try so hard, proving their faith as "rahmatan lil alamin", then they got all of this news, spread all over the social media recently. So if those populist politician all over the world using the Islamophobic as their fuels, then also our fellow moslems persecuted somewhere just dont get shocked! Yap, its just because of YOUR contribution to give it a bad names! Or you might be selfish and said, "well, its their problem to choose living in KAFIR country rather than in major moslem population country". Once again, good job!
Dear my fellow moslem in Indonesia who totally supports AHOK to be jailed congratulations! Now maybe you're happy with the 2 yr's sentences and also I'd like to congratulate all of ya for made Islam image got worst in ALL OVER THE WORLD! In the time where most of the moslems try so hard, proving their faith as "rahmatan lil alamin", then they got all of this news, spread all over the social media recently. So if those populist politician all over the world using the Islamophobic as their fuels, then also our fellow moslems persecuted somewhere just dont get shocked! Yap, its just because of YOUR contribution to give it a bad names! Or you might be selfish and said, "well, its their problem to choose living in KAFIR country rather than in major moslem population country". Once again, good job!
Saudara-saudariku sesama muslim yang sangat kekeuh mendukung
keputusan agar Ahok dipenjara, saya ucapken selamat! Sekarang mungkin panjenengan-panjenengan sekalian sangat berbahagia dengan vonis 2 tahun
penjara, dan tak lupa juga saya sampaiken selamat anda sudah bikin image agama
kita semakin jelek di mata DUNIA! Dikala banyak kawan-kawan dan sodara-sodara
kita yang berjuang membuktiken bahwasanya Islam adalah agama "rahmatan lil
alamin", lalu dunia digemparkan dengan berita-berita soal Ahok ini, yang
terjadi di Indonesia, negara dengan populasi muslim terbesar di dunia dan lagi
kerap menjadi percontohan dimana Islam moderat berkembang disini. Jadi kalo
populisme bakalan lebih kuat dengan menggunakan sentimen anti-islam, terus
beberapa orang-orang muslim diperlakukan enggak baik sebagai kaum minoritas gak
usah lebay dan gak usah kaget. Yap,sedikit banyak panjenengan-panjenengan
sekalian yang berbahagia ini BERKONTRIBUSI! Bener-bener bikin nama agama ini
jelek, tapi mungkin aja panjenengan ini egois dan bilang, "Hlah, salah
sendiri hidup kok di negeri orang kafir". Hehehe, ya sekali lagi, saya mau
ngaturaken GOOD JOB buat panjenengan semua