Saturday, October 1, 2011




1. Udara yang masuk atau keluar waktu kita bernapas normal disebut udara . . . .
A. residu
B. komplementer
C. cadangan
D.cadangan pernapasan

2. Asfiksi dapat terjadi karena . . . .
A. lekositosis
B. leukemia
C. asma
D. pneumonia
E. bronkitis

3. Perhatikan organ ini 

Di dalam organ diatas udara pernapasan akan mengalami hal-hal berikut . . . .
A. pembebasan kuman
B. penghangatan sesuai suhu tubuh
C. penetralan zat racun
D. pemisahan oksigen dan CO2
E. pembebasan O2 dari uap air

4. Penderita TBC mengalami gangguan susah napas, sebab terjadi . . . .
A. penurunan jumlah eritrosit
B. gangguan proses difusi CO2
C. penurunan kadar hemoglobin
D. hambatan proses difusi oksigen
E. penyempitan rongga alveolus

5. Pertukaran O2 darah dengan CO2 dalam sel-sel tubuh disebut pernapasan . . . .
A. internal
B. dada
C. perut
D. aerob
E. anaerob
6. Contoh hewan yang menggunakan seluruh permukaan tubuhnya untuk pertukaran O2 adalah . . . .
A. Crustacea
B. Paramaecium
C. Annelida
D. serangga
E. laba-laba

7. Hewan yang bernapas dengan menggunakan pembuluh trakea adalah . . . .
A. Crustacea
B. kalajengking
C. tungau
D. serangga
E. ikan

8. Energi hasil pernapasan adalah . . . .
C. ATP dan ADP
D. karbohidrat
E. glukosa

9. Pita suara pada umumnya terdapat di bagian saluran pernapasan yang disebut . . . .
A. nasofaring
B. trakea
C. laring
D. faring
E. bronkiolus

10. Batas antara rongga dada dan rongga perut adalah . . . .
A. diafragma
B. nasofaring
C. mukus
D. pleura
E. orofaring
11. Sisa metabolisme yang harus dikeluarkan dari tubuh adalah . . . .
A. albumin hasil pemecahan protein
B. asam amino hasil pemecahan protein
C. asam lemak hasil pemecahan lemak
D. glukosa hasil pemecahan amilum
E. asam urat hasil pemecahan protein

12. Bagian ginjal yang terdapat cairan yang sangat mirip dengan plasma darah adalah .
A. kapsula bowman
B. pelvis renalis
C. tubula kolektivus
D. tubulus distal
E. gelang henle

13. Lapisan kulit yang senantiasa tumbuh membentuk sel baru adalah stratum . . . .

A. granulosum
B. germinativum
C. korneum
D. lusidium
E. korium

14. Fungsi hati sebagai alat ekskresi adalah . . . .
A. mengeluarkan empedu
B. merombak sel darah merah
C. mengubah gula menjadi glikogen
D. mengubah glikogen menjadi gula
E. mengubah provitamin A menjadi vitamin A

15. Tubulus malpighi pada serangga berfungsi sebagai alat . . . .
A. peredaran darah
B. indra
C. pernapasan
D. pencernaan
E. ekskresi
16. Berikut adalah beberapa dari kulit manusia : 
  1. dermis 
  2. stratum korneum 
  3. stratum lusidum .
  4. stratum granulosum 
  5. saluran keringat

Yang merupakan bagian dari epidermis adalah . . . . 
A. 1 - 2 - 3
B. 2 - 3 - 4
C. 1 - 3 - 5
D. 3 - 4 - 5
E. 2 - 4 - 5

17. Yang menyebabkan urine berwarna kekuningan adalah zat . . . .
A. biliverdin
B. bilirubin
C. urobilin
D. histamin
E. hemoglobin

18. Diabetes mellitus dapat terjadi karena kegagalan . . . .
A. glomerulus mengadakan filtrasi
B. hati menghasilkan enzim amilase
C. pankreas memproduksi insulin
D. pankreas memproduksi enzim amilase
E. kelebihan ADH di dalam darah

19. Pengeluaran keringat oleh tubuh kita dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor berikut ini, kecuali . .
A. suhu lingkungan
B. aktivitas tubuh
C. guncangan emosi
D. umur dan jenis kelamin
E. rangsangan saraf simpatik

20. Zat-zat sisa metabolisme protein diekskresikan dalam bentuk . . . .
A. air, CO2, dan udara
B. air dan garam
C. urea dan garam
D. air, urea, dan minyak
E. minyak dan air
21. Susunan saraf pusat manusia terdiri atas ….
A. otak dan serabut saraf
B. otak dan sumsum belakang
C. sumsum lanjutan dan serabut saraf
D. sumsum lanjutan dan otak
E. saraf sadar dan saraf tak sadar

22. Neuron yang dendrit dan neuritnya berhubungan dengan neuron lain adalah neuron
A. sensorik
B. konektor
C. motorik
D. aferen
E. eferen
23. Kadar gula darah diatur oleh hormon ….
A. adrenalin dan tiroksin
B. insulin dan adrenalin
C. tiroksin dan insulin
D. tiroksin dan prolaktin
E. insulin dan prolaktin

24. Basedowi adalah penyakit karena ….
A. kekurangan tiroksin
B. kerusakan Langerhans
C. kelebihan hormon insulin
D. kelebihan tiroksin
E. kerusakan pankreas

25. Tulang-tulang pendengaran yang terdapat pada telinga bagian tengah terdiri atas
A. stapes, malleus, dan inkus
B. skala media, stapes, dan inkus
C. koklea, inkus, dan stapes
D. utrikula, sakulus, dan inkus
E. sakulus, stapes, dan malleus

26. Kekurangan hormon tiroksin dapat menyebabkan ….
A. morbus basedowi
B. gigantisme
C. diabetes insipidus
D. gondok
E. kretinisme

27. Lobus anterior pada hipofisis menghasilkan ….
A. hormon tiroksin
B. hormon vasopresin
C. hormon antidiuretik
D. hormon kortin
E. hormon gonadotropin

28. Saraf motorik membawa rangsangan dari ….
A. alat-alat panca indra ke sarat parasimpatik
B. otot-otot ke susunan saraf simpatik
C. pusat saraf ke otot-otot
D. alat-alat panca indra ke pusat saraf
E. alat-alat indra ke saraf parasimpatik

29. Ovarium pada wanita selain menghasilkan sel telur juga menghasilkan hormon ….
A. testosteron
B. adrenalin
C. tiroksin
D. estrogen
E. insulin

30. Alat keseimbangan yang terdapat dalam ampula adalah ….
A. otolit
B. ampula
C. organ korti
D. krista
E. sakulus
31. Yang dimaksud dengan penyerbukan adalah . . . .
A. bertemunya serbuk sari dengan bakal buah
B. dibuahinya sel telur oleh sel kelamin jantan
C. terjadinya buah
D. dilemparkannya serbuk sari dan benang sari
E. melekatnya serbuk sari pada kepala putik

32. Tumbuhan dikatakan mandul apabila tidak . . . .
A. menghasilkan bunga
B. mempunyai benang sari
C. dapat melakukan penyerbukan
D. menghasilkan umbi akar
E. ada tumbuhan betina di sekitarnya
33. Tanaman yang berkembangbiak dengan menggunakan stolon atau geragih adalah .
A. bambu dan tebu
B. singkong dan rumput
C. bunga tasbih dan pisang
D. ilalang dan irut atau garut
E. rumput teki dan pegagan

34. Kleistogami adalah gejala persarian . . . .
A. sendiri pada bunga terbuka
B. sendiri pada bunga belum mekar
C. bersilang pada satu jenis tumbuhan
D. bersilang antara tumbuhan terhadap sejenis
E. bersilang yang tidak sejenis pada bunga yang tertutup

35. Hormon yang berpengaruh pada persalinan adalah . . . .
A. relaksin dan oksitosin
B. relaksin dan estrogen
C. oksitosin dan estrogen
D. oksitosin dan progesteron
E. relaksin dan progesteron

36. Antropogami ditemukan pada penyerbukan bunga tanaman . . . .
A. padi
B. jagung
C. kedelai
D. vanili
E. anggrek

37. Pembuahan tunggal terjadi pada tumbuhan . . . .
A. jagung
B. padi
C. kelapa
D. tangkil
E. kacang

38. Pemencaran alat reproduksi secara mekanik dapat terjadi pada . . . .
A. lengkuas dan pacar air
B. pacar air dan petai Cina
C. cocor bebek dan pacar air
D. pacar air dan bunga merak
E. bambu, tebu, dan pisang
39. Testis atau kelenjar kelamin jantan berfungsi untuk memproduksi . . . .
A. sperma dan enzim
B. air seni dan sperma
C. sperma dan hormon
D. enzim dan air seni
E. hormon dan enzim

40. Hormon yang berperan atas kehamilan awal adalah . . . .
A. progesteron
B. estrogen
E. relaksin
41. Antigen yang masuk ke dalam tubuh akan dianggap sebagai ... .
A. teman leukosit
B. antibodi
C. benda asing
D. fagosit
E. protein tambahan

42. Yang bukan kelompok sel darah putih yaitu . . . .
A. neutrofil
B. monosit
C. eosinofil
D. trombosit
E. basofil
43. Kelompok granulosit yang plasmanya bersifat netral adalah . .. .
A. neutrofil
B. monosit
C. eosinofil
D. limfosit
E. basofil

44. Jika tubuh terserang penyakit maka tubuh akan melawannya dengan membentuk . .
A. antigen
B. interferon
C. limfosit
D. monosit
E. antibody

45. Di dalam air susu ibu terdapat antibodi yang berguna untuk kekebalan bayi, yang dinamakan . . . .
A. interferon
B. fagosit
C. kolostrum
D. limfosit
E. glikoprotein

46. Tubuh dapat mengingat dan mengenali antigen yang menyerang sebelumnya, karena tubuh mempunyai sel-sel khusus yang bertugas untuk itu, yaitu . . . .
A. sel-sel epitel
B. sel-sel memori
C. sel-sel darah
D. sel-sel otot
E. sel-sel saraf

47. Vaksin adalah bibit penyakit yang sudah . . . .
A. dilemahkan
B. dihancurkan
C. dimodifikasi
D. dibuang
E. dikuatkan

48. AIDS dan malaria sampai sekarang belum mempunyai vaksin yang efektif, salah satu sebab sulitnya mencari vaksin yang efektif ini adalah
A. cepat berubahnya sifat virus penyebab penyakit
B. penyakit ini mudah sekali menjangkiti tubuh
C. tubuh sudah kebal terhadap vaksin
D. virusnya sangat patogen
E. virusnya terlanjur menyebarkan racun ke seluruh tubuh

49. Sifat antibodi salah satunya adalah lisin, artinya . . . .
A. merangsang serangan leukosit terhadap antigen atau kuman
B. menghancurkan antigen
C. mengendapkan antigen/kuman
D. menggumpalkan antigen
E. mengubah struktur antigen
50. Leukosit yang berfungsi untuk membentuk antibodi, yaitu . . . .
A. monosit
B. neutrofil
C. basofil
D. limfosit
E. eosinofil

Friday, September 30, 2011


1. Cilia occur in or on:

A. epithelium of upper respiratory tract
B. epithelium of kidney tubules
C. goblet cells
D. A and B
E. A and C

2. The alveolar sacs (surface responsible for gas exchange) in the lungs are lined with _____________ epithelium.
A. stratified squamous
B. simple squamous
C. simple columnar
D. pseudostratified columnar
E. transitional

3. The type of membrane that covers the outside surface of the digestive organs is called the:
A. mucous membrane.
B. serous membrane.
C. glandular membrane.
D. squamous membrane.
E. none of the above.

4. Adipose tissue is a major component of:
A. epidermis
B. dermis
C. hypodermis
D. basement membrane
E. stratum corneum

5. A typical section of the alimentary canal is shown. The dark layer at the tip of the arrow is:

A. Circular layer of muscularis externa
B. Longitudinal layer of muscularis externa
C. Muscularis mucosae
D. Submucosa
E. Lamina propria

6. If you accidentally swallow a sharp piece of bone that gets stuck in the wall of your large intestine, what is the main structure will help you to dislodge it?
A. Fascia adherens
B. Muscularis mucosae
C. Muscularis externa
D. Mesentery
E. Lamina propria

7. What types of muscle can spontaneously contract under normal physiological conditions?
A. Smooth
B. Cardiac
C. Skeletal
D. A and B
E. All of the above

8. The sword pierced Octavius' belly, and the point of the sword ended up just reaching an olive in his stomach. Numerous layers of his body tissues and internal spaces were pierced in the process. Each of the following lists only some of these. Which of the following gives the layers or spaces in the correct order (from superficial to deep)?
A. Visceral peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, mesothelium
B. Mucosa, submucosa, lumen
C. Peritoneal cavity, visceral peritoneum, parietal peritoneum
D. Circular layer of muscularis externa, muscularis mucosae, lumen
E. Submucosa, mucosa, peritoneal cavity

9. Which of the following represents a possible path that blood may follow as it moves ONCE through the systemic circuit? (Some steps may be omitted.)
(1) Heart, (2) Capillaries, (3) Arteries, (4) Veins
A. 3 --> 4 --> 2 --> 4 --> 1
B. 1 --> 3 --> 4 --> 2 --> 3
C. 3 --> 2 --> 3 --> 2 --> 4
D. 1 --> 4 --> 2 --> 3 --> 1
E. 2 --> 3 --> 2 --> 4 --> 1

10. Internal respiration occurs
A. In the myocardium tissue of the heart
B. In the systemic circuit
C. In the pulmonary circuit
D. A and B
E. All of the above

11. The pulmonary trunk
A. Is a vein carrying deoxygenated blood
B. Is an artery carrying deoxygenated blood
C. Is a vein carrying oxygenated blood
D. Is an artery carrying oxygenated blood
E. Alternates between carrying oxygenated and deoxygenated blood

12. After flowing through the mitral valve, blood moves into the
A. Aorta
B. Pulmonary trunk
C. Right ventricle
D. Left ventricle
E. Right atrium

13. The second sound (the "dup" in "lub-dup") of each heart beat results when
A. The squeezing down of the ventricles pushes blood against the walls of the heart
B. Blood rushes into the ventricles to fill the vacuum produced after contraction
C. The large arteries connected to the heart recoil, causing valves to close
D. The chordae tendineae are suddenly pulled tight by the closing valves
E. Blood rushing out through the arteries vibrates the artery walls

14. The tip of the arrow is on the

A. Epimysium
B. Epineurium
C. Perineurium
D. Endoneurium
E. Myelin

15. A nerve fiber
A. Is connective tissue at the core of every nerve
B. Is also known as a neuron
C. Is a group of blood vessels accompanying a fascicle
D. Is found only in some nerves
E. None of the above

16. Lymphatic capillaries
A. Have a wall consisting of endothelium only
B. Have minivalves
C. Carry fluid in one direction only
D. B and C
E. A, B, and C

17. Oxygen diffuses from blood into cells. This process is known as
A. Internal respiration
B. External respiration
C. Cellular respiration
D. Ventilation
E. Inspiration


  1. A
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. A
  10. D
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. C
  15. E
  16. E
  17. A

1. A typical section of the alimentary canal is shown. The dark layer at the tip of the arrow is


A. Circular layer of muscularis externa
B. Longitudinal layer of muscularis externa
C. Muscularis mucosae
D. Submucosa
E. Lamina propria

2. Which of the following muscles has gap junctions?
A. External anal sphincter
B. The muscle that flexes your elbow
C. Oblique muscle layer of the stomach
D. Muscles of the pharynx
E. None of the above

3. Different syndesmoses differ in degree of movability primarily due to differences in the
A. amount of cartilage present in the joint
B. orientation of the fibers
C. depth of the socket
D. amount of tissue fluid present
E. length of the fibers

4. Which of the following is not present in all synovial joints?
A. Articular disc
B. Synovial fluid
C. Articular cartilage
D. Fibrous capsule
E. C and D.

5. The stomach
A. Has fewer muscle layers than the small intestine
B. Is essential for survival
C. Produces hormone(s) that travel through the blood
D. Is the main site of digestion in the body
E. Secretes acid and enzyme(s), both produced by the same cell type

6. Example(s) of immune cells or tissues include(s):
A. Kupffer cell
B. Peyer's patch
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

7. In a skeletal muscle, the entire structure that is wrapped by an endomysium is known as a
A. Cell
B. Myofibril
C. Muscle fiber
D. A and B
E. A and C

8. In the liver, the portal arterioles
A. Are branches of the hepatic portal vein
B. Are branches of the common hepatic duct
C. Are branches of the central vein
D. Are branches of the hepatic vein
E. None of the above

9. The metacarpophalangeal (knuckle) joints can perform angular movements around
A. no axes.
B. 1 axis.
C. 2 axes.
D. 3 axes.
E. 3 axes, or 4 axes if the person is double-jointed.

10. When a muscle contracts, what is happening on the microscopic level?
A. Each actin filament coils up to shorten
B. Each sarcomere stays the same length, but slides past other sarcomeres
C. Actin heads drag their way along a myosin filament
D. Satellite cells pull on muscle fibers
E. None of the above

11. In the anatomical position, abducting the forearm at the elbow
A. Occurs in the frontal plane
B. Occurs in the sagittal plane
C. Occurs in the transverse plane
D. Is not possible without damaging the joint
E. Is also known as pronation

12. Which of the following epithelia is/are ciliated?
A. Oropharynx
B. Laryngopharynx
C. Small intestine
D. A and B
E. None of the above

13. Place the following structures in correct order for food passing through the digestive tract:
(1) Jejunum, (2) duodenum, (3) sigmoid colon, (4) transverse colon, (5) ileocecal valve
A. (2) --> (1) --> (5) --> (3) --> (4)
B. (1) --> (2) --> (5) --> (4) --> (3)
C. (2) --> (1) --> (5) --> (4) --> (3)
D. (5) -->(2) --> (1) --> (4) --> (3)
E. (5) --> (1) --> (2) --> (3) --> (4)

14. In muscle anatomy, an antagonist means a
A. Muscle that opposes the action of another muscle
B. Fascicle that opposes the action of another fascicle
C. Protein that prevents excessive stretch of a muscle fiber
D. Nerve cell that inhibits contraction of a muscle fiber
E. Muscle that has major responsibility for a particular action

15. Very rapid turnover of cells occurs in
A. Hepatocytes of the liver
B. Epithelium of the small intestine
C. Epithelium of the serosa
D. Endothelium of the sunusoids of the liver
E. Cardiac muscle tissue

16. Blood is normally found inside which of the following?
A. Lumen of duodenum
B. Hepatocytes
C. Bile duct
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

17. In the liver, canaliculi are
A. Spaces between adjacent hepatocytes
B. Passageways for the transport of bile
C. Passageways for the transport of blood
D. A and B
E. B and C

18. The main, long-term effect of strength training is:
A. Each muscle fiber becomes thicker
B. Each muscle fiber becomes shorter
C. Each muscle fiber becomes longer
D. New muscle fibers are produced by cell division
E. New muscle fibers are formed from satellite cells

19. Blood in the hepatic portal vein
A. Comes directly from the heart
B. Has just finished being processed by the liver
C. Has high levels of nutrients after a meal
D. Has a high level of oxygen
E. Carries bile out of the liver

20. Which form(s) of arthritis is/are primarily caused by the body launching an immune response to its own tissues?
A. Gouty arthritis
B. Osteoarthritis
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. A and B
E. All of the above

21. If you accidentally swallow a sharp piece of bone that gets stuck in the wall of your large intestine, what will help you to dislodge it?
A. Fascia adherens
B. Muscularis mucosae
C. Seromucous gland
D. Mesentery
E. Intestinal crypt

22. What types of muscle can spontaneously contract under normal physiological conditions?
A. Smooth
B. Cardiac
C. Skeletal
D. A and B
E. All of the above

23. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the
A. Mouth
B. Stomach
C. Duodenum
D. Ileum
E. Large intestine

24. The mediastinum
A. Is restricted to the large intestine
B. Is where most of the esophagus is located
C. Is found only in infants and children
D. Functions primarily in the control of muscle contraction
E. None of the above

25. Where are new epithelial cells produced in the small intestine?
A. Intestinal crypts
B. Submucosa
C. Villi
D. Lacteals
E. Chyme

26. Which of the following contain(s) synovial fluid?
A. Tendon sheath
B. Saddle joint
C. Plane joint
D. B and C
E. All of the above

27. The fibrous capsule of a ball-and-socket joint is made of:
A. elastic connective tissue.
B. reticular connective tissue.
C. dense regular connective tissue.
D. dense irregular connective tissue.
E. areolar connective tissue.

28. Which of the following actions involves moving the foot around the anterior-posterior axis?
A. Pronation
B. Eversion
C. Dorsiflexion
D. Elevation
E. Protraction

29. The sword pierced Octavius' belly, and the point of the sword ended up just reaching an olive in his stomach. Numerous layers of his body tissues and internal spaces were pierced in the process. Each of the following lists only some of these. Which of the following gives the layers or spaces in the correct order (from superficial to deep)?
A. Visceral peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, mesothelium
B. Mucosa, submucosa, lumen
C. Peritoneal cavity, visceral peritoneum, parietal peritoneum
D. Circular layer of muscularis externa, muscularis mucosae, lumen
E. Submucosa, mucosa, peritoneal cavity

30. Which of the following transports blood away from the liver?
A. Hepatic vein
B. Hepatic portal vein
C. Hepatic artery
D. A and B
E. All of the above

Questions 31-33 refer to the diagram at right showing the digestive tract wall. This wall consists of the following layers, which are all shown: circular muscle, epitheliumof mucosa, lamina propria, longitudinal muscle, muscularis mucosae, serosa, submucosa.

31. Layer A is the
A. Submucosa
B. Muscularis mucosae
C. Lamina propria
D. Circular muscle
E. Longitudinal muscle

32. Layer B is the
A. Submucosa
B. Muscularis mucosae
C. Lamina propria
D. Circular muscle
E. Longitudinal muscle

33. Which of the following might be shown in the diagram?
A. Jejunum
B. Sigmoid colon
C. Stomach
D. Ileum
E. A or D


  1. C
  2. C
  3. E
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. E
  8. E
  9. C
  10. E
  11. D
  12. E
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. E
  17. D
  18. A
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. B
  25. A
  26. E
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. A
  31. C
  32. E
  33. B


1. Arteries between 0.01 and 0.3 mm in diameter are known as
A. Arterioles
B. Muscular arteries
C. Thoroughfare channels
D. Capillaries
E. Elastic arteries

2. Which of the following would you expect to find within ganglia?
A. Microglia
B. Oligodendrocytes
C. Satellite cells
D. Astrocytes
E. Ependymal cells

3. In premature babies, respiratory distress syndrome occurs because
A. There are not enough alveoli in the lungs
B. Surface tension makes it difficult to expand the lungs
C. Type I cells are immature and do not produce enough surfactant
D. Type II cells are immature and produce too much surfactant
E. The bronchioles are too narrow

4. During inspiration,
A. The diaphragm lifts up to increase the volume of the thorax
B. The pressure inside the pleural cavity increases
C. The pressure inside the lungs decreases
D. B and C
E. All of the above

5. Each tertiary bronchus
A. Splits into two secondary bronchi
B. Serves one lobe of the lung
C. Serves one lobule of the lung
D. Serves two or three lobes, depending on the lung
E. None of the above

6. Which of the following represents a possible path that blood may follow as it moves ONCE through the systemic circuit? (Some steps may be omitted.)
(1) Heart, (2) Capillaries, (3) Arteries, (4) Veins
A. 3 --> 4 --> 2 --> 4 --> 1
B. 1 --> 3 --> 4 --> 2 --> 3
C. 3 --> 2 --> 3 --> 2 --> 4
D. 1 --> 4 --> 2 --> 3 --> 1
E. 2 --> 3 --> 2 --> 4 --> 1

7. Internal respiration occurs
A. In the myocardium tissue of the heart
B. In the systemic circuit
C. In the pulmonary circuit
D. A and B
E. All of the above

8. How many layers of serous pericardium lie between the inside of the heart and the outside of the body?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4

9. The pulmonary trunk
A. Is a vein carrying deoxygenated blood
B. Is an artery carrying deoxygenated blood
C. Is a vein carrying oxygenated blood
D. Is an artery carrying oxygenated blood
E. Alternates between carrying oxygenated and deoxygenated blood

10. After flowing through the mitral valve, blood moves into the
A. Aorta
B. Pulmonary trunk
C. Right ventricle
D. Left ventricle
E. Right atrium

11. The second sound (the "dup" in "lub-dup") of each heart beat results when
A. The squeezing down of the ventricles pushes blood against the walls of the heart
B. Blood rushes into the ventricles to fill the vacuum produced after contraction
C. The elastic arteries recoil, causing valves to close
D. The chordae tendineae are suddenly pulled tight by the closing valves
E. Blood rushing out through the arteries vibrates the artery walls

12. Which of the following provides an electrical pathway through which the heart contraction signal spreads from one part of the heart to another?
A. Gap junctions
B. Neurons
C. Tight junctions
D. A and B
E. All of the above

13. Damage to the AV node or the Bundle of His
A. Prevents the entire heart from contracting
B. Prevents only the ventricles from contracting
C. Prevents only the atria from contracting
D. Causes the ventricles to contract faster than normal
E. Causes the ventricles to contract slower than normal

14. All blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries) have:
A. Simple squamous epithelium
B. Endothelium
C. Tunica interna (intima)
D. B and C
E. All of the above

15. Most named arteries are
A. Muscular arteries
B. Elastic arteries
C. Arterioles
D. Lacking a tunica externa
E. Lacking a tunica interna (intima)

16. Which of the following is a correct pathway for nutrients to travel from the lumen of an artery toward the cytoplasm of a stomach cell?
(1) Tissue fluid (interstitial fluid), (2) lumen of metarteriole, (3) precapillary sphincter, (4) lumen of capillary.
A. 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> 4
B. 2 --> 3 --> 4 --> 1
C. 1 --> 3 --> 2 --> 4
D. 2 --> 3 --> 1 --> 4
E. 3 --> 4 --> 2 --> 1

17. Fenestrated capillaries occur in the
A. Kidney
B. Skin
C. Lungs
D. Spleen
E. Muscles

18. About two-thirds of the blood in the body is contained in the
A. Capillaries
B. Veins
C. Arteries
D. Heart
E. Lungs

19. The sympathetic nervous system
A. Contains afferent neurons
B. Is the somatic motor division of the nervous system
C. Is the visceral sensory division of the nervous system
D. Includes both somatic motor and visceral sensory neurons
E. None of the above

20. Nodes of Ranvier are found in or on what structure?
A. Dendrite
B. Axon
C. Cell body
D. Synaptic cleft
E. Stem cells

21. What cell in the brain destroys dead cells and pathogens?
A. Microglia
B. Ependymal cells
C. Schwann cells
D. Oligodendrocyte
E. Astrocytes

22. Myelin
A. Is formed from oligodendrocytes
B. Is formed from Schwann cells
C. Increases the speed of electrical impulses
D. B and C
E. All of the above

23. The tip of the arrow is on the

A. Epimysium
B. Epineurium
C. Perineurium
D. Endoneurium
E. Myelin

24. A nerve fiber
A. Is connective tissue at the core of every nerve
B. Is also known as a neuron
C. Is a group of blood vessels accompanying a fascicle
D. Is found only in some nerves
E. None of the above

25. Lymphatic capillaries
A. Have a wall consisting of endothelium only
B. Have minivalves
C. Carry fluid in one direction only
D. B and C
E. A, B, and C

26. The primary brain vesicle that gives rise to the cerebellum is the
A. Metencephalon
B. Rhombencephalon
C. Myelencephalon
D. Mesencephalon
E. Diencephalon

27. Cerebrospinal fluid enters the fourth ventricle directly from which of the following structures or spaces?
A. The cerebral aqueduct
B. The choroid plexus in the fourth ventricle
C. The subarachnoid space
D. A and B
E. A and C

28. The auditory cortex occurs on which of the following lobes?
A. Occipital lobe
B. Temporal lobe
C. Insula
D. Frontal lobe
E. Parietal lobe

29. Which of the following is true of all leukocytes?
A. They are mostly in the blood
B. They attack only specific antigens
C. They attack any antigen that is non-self
D. They are restricted to the lymphatic system
E. None of the above

30. The thymus
A. Pumps lymph
B. Breaks down red blood cells
C. Is for the maturation of lymphocytes
D. Controls metabolic rate throughout the body
E. Is adjacent to the stomach

31. The respiratory zone of the lung consists of
A. Alveoli only
B. Alveoli and terminal bronchioles
C. Alveoli and respiratory bronchioles
D. Alveoli, terminal bronchioles, and respiratory bronchioles
E. Alveoli, terminal bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles, and small bronchi

32. In the diagram at right, region 2 contains ___ and flows into region ___


A. Blood; 1
B. Blood; 3
C. Cerebrospinal fluid; 1
D. Cerebrospinal fluid; 3
E. Cerebrospinal fluid; 4

33. In the diagram in question 32, the fluid leaving region 4 will first enter what chamber of the heart?
A. Left atrium
B. Left ventricle
C. Right atrium
D. Right ventricle
E. [Not a choice]

34. Which of the following epithelia is/are ciliated?
A. Oropharynx
B. Inferior larynx
C. Laryngopharynx
D. A and B
E. A and C

35. Place the following structures in correct order for air passing into the lungs:
(1) Cricoid cartilage, (2) nasal cavity, (3) rima glottidis, (4) laryngopharynx, (5) external nares
A. (1) --> (2) --> (5) --> (4) --> (3)
B. (1) --> (5) --> (2) --> (3) --> (4)
C. (5) --> (4) --> (2) --> (1) --> (3)
D. (3) -->(5) --> (2) --> (4) --> (1)
E. (5) --> (2) --> (4) --> (3) --> (1)

36. What is/are found (at least partially) in the mediastinum?
A. Primary bronchi
B. Chordae tendineae
C. Trachea
D. A and C
E. All of the above

37. The pancreas contains
A. Exocrine cells that secrete glucagon
B. Endocrine cells that secrete enzymes
C. Exocrine cells that secrete bicarbonate
D. Exocrine cells that secrete insulin
E. Endocrine cells that secrete mucus

38. Oxygen diffuses from blood into cells. This process is known as
A. Internal respiration
B. External respiration
C. Cellular respiration
D. Ventilation
E. Inspiration

39. To make a high-pitched sound, you would normally:
A. Close the vestibular folds
B. Apply tension to the vocal folds
C. Close the rima glottidis
D. Lower the cricoid cartilage
E. Lower the epiglottis

40. Which of the following is made of elastic cartilage?
A. Thyroid cartilage
B. Cricoid cartilage
C. Arytenoid cartilage
D. Epiglottis
E. All of the above


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. E
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. C
  12. A
  13. E
  14. E
  15. A
  16. B
  17. A
  18. B
  19. E
  20. B
  21. A
  22. E
  23. C
  24. E
  25. E
  26. B
  27. D
  28. B
  29. E
  30. C
  31. C
  32. C
  33. C
  34. B
  35. E
  36. E
  37. C
  38. A
  39. B
  40. D

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