Subject: BIOLOGY
Program: IPA
Day, date:
Time: 120 Minutes
General Instructions:
1. Write the number and name on the answer sheet!
2. Check and read the question carefully!
3. Dahulukam answer the questions that easy!
4. Choose the best answer!
5. This form of multiple choice questions with a number of about 50.
1. In the grouping of a number of plants obtained by the scientific name of the plant as follows:
1. Solanum tuberosum (potato)
2. Solanum melongena (eggplant)
3. Solanum lycopersicum (tomato)
Taxon lowest level in the classification for the third grouping of plants is ..
- species
- varieties
- genus
- familia
- Order
2. Note the names of the following plants:
(1) Kelapa Gading
(2) Pinang
(3) Oil kopyor
(4) Palm oil
(5) Coconut green
Which of the above plants can be grouped in the various levels of the gene?
- 1-2 and 4
- 1-3 and 5
- 2-3 and 4
- 2-4 and 5
- 3-4 and 5
3. Note the bacteriophage replication diagram below!
Replication correct bacteriophage penetration shown by ....
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 5
- 6
4. Note the picture below
4. Based on these images the role of fungi
A. As a source of food
B. as decomposers
C. as the producer of antibiotic
D. cause disease in plants
E. for the manufacture of tape
5. Note the picture Lumut plant
Sporophyte phase is shown in numbers ....
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
6. Pictures Ankylostoma duodenale worm's life cycle.
Description appropriate for No. 1 to 4 are respectively ....
A. Rabditiform - larva - filariform - adult worms
B. egg - larva - rabditiform - adult worms
C. filariform - larva - rabditiform - adult worms
D. egg - larva - filariform - adult worms
E. larvae - rabditiform - filariform - adult worms
7. Animals Vertebrates have specific characteristics compared to other Chordata animals.
Which is a hallmark of Vertebrate animals are having ....
A. having corda dorsalis ranging from embryo to adult phase
B. have gill slits only in the larval phase
C. have gill slits of the embryo to adult
D. having locomotor form of two pairs of legs
E. backbones begin embryonic stage to adulthood after the death
8. In a water area discovered the energy flow, as follows:
Enegi availability largest amount was found in a population of organisms ....
A. zooplankton
B. mussels
C. phytoplankton
D. seagull
E. shrimp
9. Human activity greatly affect the environmental balance. To reduce the occurrence of global warming efforts is ....
A. increasing the activity of the industry
B. multiply growing mushrooms
C. eradicate pests of agricultural crops
D. limit the number of motor vehicle
E. reducing sea fishing
10. Consider the following cell images!
Crest cell organelles which have made very effectively carry out the oxidation of cells.
Organelles name and number are shown to organelles that have a crest is ....
A. nucleus, 1
B. ribosomes, 2
C. mitochondria, 3
D. Golgi apparatus, 4
E. endoplasmic reticulum, 5
11. Note the cross-sectional image root!

Xylem transport network indicated by numbered pictures ...
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
12. Fig leaf cross section:
Network functions are labeled X is ....
A. storing the result of photosynthesis
B. the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
C. place hoard water and mineral salts
D. a photosynthetic pigment formation
E. venue for the synthesis of carbohydrates
13. Consider the following picture!

The cell body, dendrites, the nucleus of cells and neurites is shown by the numbers ....
A. 1, 2, 3, and 4
B. 1, 3, 2, and 4
C. 1, 3, 4, and 2
D. 1, 4, 3 and 2
E. 4, 3, 2 and 1
14. Consider drawing on human arm muscles!
Arm position is ...
A. Flexor
B. The extensor
C. supinator
D. pronator
E. Elevator
15. Fatigue in the muscles occurs because of the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles caused by ....
A. enzyme deficiency
B. lack of oxygen
C. The number of mitochondria in the cell high
D. too much oxygen in the cells
E. inability to decipher glucose
16. Consider the following scheme blood permbekuan!
Sequentially numbered 1, 2 and 3 is .....
A. vitamin K, thrombin and fibrin
B. vitamin K, globulin and fibrin
C. vitamin K, thrombin and lysine
D. vitamin E, thrombin and fibrin
E. vitamin E, globulin and fibrin
17. Here are the test results similar food substances to foods
Based on the data table sequentially 1,2 and 3 concluded that these foods contain substances .....
A. protein, glucose, starch
B. protein, amilim, glucose
C. protein, glucose, starch
D. starch, glucose, protein
E. starch, protein, glucose
18. The mechanism of inspiration in the human respiratory truth is ....
A. diaphragm horizontally, muscle relaxation ribs, the chest cavity enlarges
B. diaphragm flat, rib muscle contraction, the chest cavity enlarges
C. diaphragm arched, muscular relaxation ribs, the chest cavity enlarges
D. diaphragm curved, kontaksi rib muscles, the chest cavity enlarges
E. diaphragm arched, muscular relaxation ribs, the chest cavity enlarges
19. When someone drops of urine obtained biuret and purple, may be suspected renal abnormalities part is ....
A. glomerulus
B. bowman's capsule
C. ureter
D. tubules convoluted
E. vesica urinary
20. The following components of nerve reflex
1. neurons sesorik
2. motor neurons
3. brain
4. spinal
5. effector
6. receptors
If there is a reflex, the way nerve impulses are ....
A. 6-4 - 3 - 2-5
B. 6-2 - 4 - 1-5
C. 6-1 - 4 - 2-5
D. 5-4 - 3 - 2-6
E. 5-2 - 4 - 1-6
21. The disorder or disease Basedowi, eksoftalamus and gigantism can occur due to .....
A. adrenal insufficiency
B. damage pangkreas
C. damage to Langerhans
D. excess insulin
E. excess thyroxine
22. A hypothesis says that pituitary and ovarian interplay
in the female reproductive cycle.
From the results the following observations support the hypothesis is ....
A. taking sterile ovary causes
B. pituitary and ovaries produce reproductive hormones
C. pituitary produces hormones controlling the function of the uterus
D. taking ovaries resulting in the degeneration of the uterus
E. uterus only develop when there ovaries and pituitary
23. Note the rod tip growth experiments on germination Avena!
Source light Internal factors that influence the growth of the stem end towards the light is ...
A. hormone concentrations gibberellins
B. decrease in hormone concentration kaulokalin
C. diffusion hormone cytokinin hormone auxin concentration distribution
D. an increase in the hormone traumalin
24. Consider the experiment image growth green beans! Pot A, B, C, D each pot was given
soil media and green beans sprinkled with 10 points, given enough water and put in place
exposed to the sun in moderation.
The independent variable in the experiment are:
A. media plant
B. green beans
C. the provision of water
26. Consider the following chart glycolysis
Marked X are molecules ......
A. fructose-6-phosphate
B. glucose -6- phosphate
C. phosphogliseraldehide
D. phosphoenolpiruvat
E. pyruvic acid
27. Consider the following Kreb cycle stages!
Parts designated X, is ....
A. Acetyl Co-A
B. pyruvic acid
C. The citric acid
D. isositrat acid
E. succinic acid
28. The results of reactions shown X is ...
A. Glucose and H2O
B. glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate and H2O
C. Ribobifosfat and CO2
D. phosphoglycerate and ATP
E. 1.3 bifosfogliserat and NADPH
29. The process of reaction occurs section Calvindiatas cycle chart chloroplasts, namely ...
A. stroma
B. grana
C. thylakoids
D. inner membrane
E. outer membrane
30. Look at the picture on the chromosome forms below
30. Note the picture form chromosomes form below:
Form sub meta centric and akrosentris sequentially indicated number ....
32. Note the cell division phase image below!
When an organism has four chromosomes, the picture beside shows cleavage stage ....
A. prophase of meiosis I
B. meiosis I telophase
C. metaphase of meiosis I
D. anaphase of meiosis I
E. prophase of meiosis II
33. In the marmot fur color black (H) is dominant over albino (h) and coarse fur (K) is dominant over the fuzz (k). Coarse black fur marmot (HHKK) mated to a smooth albino guinea pigs produce offspring (F1) all coarse black. When the F1 guinea pigs crossed with an albino parent subtle then the percentage of coarse black feathered offspring as much ....
A. 6%
B. 25%
C. 37%
D. 56%
E. 75%
34. hemophilia A man married to a normal woman whose father patients with hemophilia.
The possibility of daughters born to the couple is ....
50% career hemophilia and a 50% lethal
50% 50% normal and hemophilia career
all hemophilia
all career hemophilia
everything is normal
35. Consider the following picture!
Events chromosomal changes that happened was ....
Katenasi D. Translocation
E. Deletion Duplication
36. Following the model image Miller and Urey experiment!
ksperimen conducted to test the hypothesis Oparin.
Part X contains a compound ....
organic compound composed of complex proteins, polynucleotides and carbohydrates
inorganic compound composed of amino acids, glucose and nucleic acids
inorganic compound composed of a complex of proteins, polysaccharides and polynucleotides
organic compound composed of amino acids, nucleic acids, and ribose
organic compound composed of amino acids, polynucleotides and glukos
37. The following are the facts that support the theory of evolution!
1. The existence of many different organisms
2. The homology between the organs of living things
3. Found many species on earth
4. Found fossils as a historical record of the existence of a living organism
5. The existence of variations on the organism of the species
The fact that the observed evolution and support Darwin's theory of evolution is ...
1 - 3-4
2 - 4-5
3 - 4-5
4-5 - 1
5-1 - 3
38. In the population of a remote island there are 4% of men who are color blind lllll. The nature of color blindness is controlled by a recessive gene on the X chromosome adrift
Calculate what percentage of women in the population oulau carrier is ....
A. 7.68%
B. 16.24%
C. 19,20%
D. 92.16%
E. 96%
39. The application of biotechnology to obtain varieties - varieties will lead to ......
increased crop pests
loss of germplasm
environmental quality declines
increasing ecological diversity
the destruction of ecosystems
40. The role of tissue culture is ....
A. produce secondary metabolites which are used for the manufacture of drugs
B. generate many new plants with the same quality in a relatively short time
C. generate many new plants are of high quality
D. increase the production of agricultural plantations in a relatively short time
E. save time and cost quite a lot in transporting crops
thanks pak!
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