1 Figure 1 shows the structure of a type of plant cell.
Which of the following accurately describes the cell and its location in the plant?
A Cell that is dividing in the cell root meristem
B Leaf epidermis cell
C Root hair cell
D Leaf mesophyll cell
2 Figure 2 shows the leaf cross-section of a green plant.
After exposure to a bright light, among parts A, B, C and D, which contains the most starch?
3 The function of the plasma membrane in a cell is
A to protect the cell nucleus
B to control the in and out movement of solutes
C to produce energy in the cell
D to control cell activity
4 In a dicotyledonous leaf, photosynthesis does not occur in
A the epidermis cells
B the palisade mesophyll cells
C the sponge mesophyll cells
D the guard cells
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the cell structures listed below:
4 In a dicotyledonous leaf, photosynthesis does not occur in
A the epidermis cells
B the palisade mesophyll cells
C the sponge mesophyll cells
D the guard cells
Questions 5 and 6 refer to the cell structures listed below:
P - Plasma membrane
Q - Cell wall
R - Cytoplasm
S - Vacuole membrane
Q - Cell wall
R - Cytoplasm
S - Vacuole membrane
5 Which two cell structures exist only in plant cells?
A P and Q only
B P and R only
C Q and R only
D Q and S only
6 In a plant cell such as the onion epidermis cell, which two cell structures has a selective permeability characteristic, which allows water molecules and solutes to penetrate it but blocks the passage of bigger solute molecules?
A P and Q only
B P and S only
C Q and R only
D R and S only
7 The cell structure in which the process of food oxidation occurs is
A the chloroplast
B the mitochondrion
C the nucleus
D the plasma membrane
8 Figure 3 shows an organelle found in the cell.
Which of the following statements about the organelle above is not true?
A P and Q only
B P and R only
C Q and R only
D Q and S only
6 In a plant cell such as the onion epidermis cell, which two cell structures has a selective permeability characteristic, which allows water molecules and solutes to penetrate it but blocks the passage of bigger solute molecules?
A P and Q only
B P and S only
C Q and R only
D R and S only
7 The cell structure in which the process of food oxidation occurs is
A the chloroplast
B the mitochondrion
C the nucleus
D the plasma membrane
8 Figure 3 shows an organelle found in the cell.
A Many are found in sperms
B Active during anaerobic respiration
C Consists of two layers of membrane
D Controls the release of energy in cells
9 The tissue that provides support for woody plants is
A the cambium
B the epidermis
C the phloem
D the xylem
10 Figure 4 shows some processes that occur on a piece of tomato plant tissue.
The method that is used to produce the new individuals (clones) is
A cloning
B tissue culture
C in vitro fertilisation
D mitosis division
11 P, Q, R and S shows the events involved in plant asexual reproduction through the tissue culture method.
P - The part that is planted such as the plumule on the seedling is put into a nutrient agar medium that contains mitotic inducing hormone
Q - The callus is cut and put into a medium that contains an organogenesis inducing substance
R - The substance is placed in an incubator at a temperature of 35°C
S - The hybrid child that is produced is planted as a new plant
Which of the following order of events is correct during the asexual reproduction?
A P, R, Q, S
B P, Q, R, S
C R, P, Q, S
D Q, P, R, S
12 Figure 5 shows a plant cell.
A cloning
B tissue culture
C in vitro fertilisation
D mitosis division
11 P, Q, R and S shows the events involved in plant asexual reproduction through the tissue culture method.
P - The part that is planted such as the plumule on the seedling is put into a nutrient agar medium that contains mitotic inducing hormone
Q - The callus is cut and put into a medium that contains an organogenesis inducing substance
R - The substance is placed in an incubator at a temperature of 35°C
S - The hybrid child that is produced is planted as a new plant
Which of the following order of events is correct during the asexual reproduction?
A P, R, Q, S
B P, Q, R, S
C R, P, Q, S
D Q, P, R, S
12 Figure 5 shows a plant cell.
Which labelled structure contains the most DNA?
13 Which of the following lists the structures that are found in an animal cell?
Plasma membrane
Cell wall
| |
ch of the following statements about the characteristics and role of reproductive cells is correct?
Reproductive cell
Cell characteristic
| |
Contains a lot of mitochondria
Generates energy for
Haploid nucleus
Carries the genetic code of
both parents
Triploid nucleus
Carries more genetic codes
Polar body
Deteriorating cell
Supplies nutrients to the embryo
14 Which of the following statements about the characteristics and role of reproductive cells is correct?
5 Which of the following is found in the guard cell but not in the leaf epidermis cell?
A Cell sap
B Chloroplast
C Vacuole
D Mitochondrion
B Chloroplast
C Vacuole
D Mitochondrion
II. Structured Questions
Figure 1 shows an example of a plant cell.
A, B, C, D, E and F are structures in the plant cell.
(a) (i) Name structures A, B, C, D, E and F in Figure 1.
(ii) What is the function of structures C and E?
(b) Draw and label the structure of a complete animal cell.
(c) Compare the structure of the plant cell in Figure 1 with the structure of the animal cell that was drawn in (b).
Essay Question
(a) Explain the organelle functions in the plant cell.
(b) Describe an experiment to observe the structure of an onion epidermis cell.
indonesian language
1. Gagasan awal tentang sel muncul pada abad XVII ketika seorang ahli memeriksa gabus dibawah kaca pembesar. Ahli tersebut adalah …..
a. Robert Hooke
b. Rheodor schwann
c. Mattias jakob schleiden
d. Antonie van leuwenhoek
e. Carolus Linneus
2. Yang merupakan perbedaan sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan adalah ….
a. Pada hewan terdapat plastida pada tumbuhan tidak ada X
b. Pada hewan tidak terdapat badan golgi, pada tumbuhan ada badan golgi X
c. Pada hewan terdapat badan golgi, pada tumbuhan ada badan golgi
d. Pada tumbuhan tidak terdapat mikrotubulus pada hewan ada
e. Pada hewan ada vakuola besar, pada tumbuhan ada vakuola tetapi kecil X
3. Organel yang berbentuk seperti jalinan rongga-rongga dan berhubungan dengan membrane inti adalah ….
a. Ribosom
b. Reticulum endoplasma
c. Lisosom
d. Sentriol
e. Mitokondria
4. Organel yang berperan dalam respirasi sel adalah …
a. nucleus
b. reticulum endoplasma
c. ribosom
d. lisosom
e. mitokondria
5. Mitokondria merupakan salah satu organel sel yang berfungsi sebagai tempat …
a. menghasilkan enzim
b. sintesa protein
c. oksidasi zat makanan
d. menyimpan makanan cadangan
e. membentuk senyawa-senyawa organic
6. Transpor zat melalui membran plasma dapat berlangsung dengan transpor aktif. Transpor aktif adalah ...
a. transpor yang memerlukan energi untuk keluar masuknya molekul zat melalui membran
b. transpor dari larutan yang konsentrasinya rendah ke larutan yang konsentrasinya tinggi
c. transpor dari larutan yang konsentrasinya tinggi ke larutan yang konsentrasinya rendah
d. transpor yang mengendalikan pertukaran zat tanpa memerlukan energi
e. transpor yang dipengaruhi oleh ion natrium tanpa memerlukan energi
7. Ilmuwan yang menyatakan bahwa sel berasal dari sel adalah ...
a. Robert Brown
b. Robert Kock
c. Rudolf Virchow
d. Max Scultze
e. Schleiden
8. Suatu selaput yang membungkus suatu massa protoplasma dinamakan ...
a. sitoplasma
b. nukleoplasma
c. mitokondria
d. retikulum endoplasma
e. membran plasma
9. Sel merupakan kesatuan struktural organisme hidup dikemukakan oleh ...
a. Theodore Schwan dan Schleiden
b. Max Scultze
c. Rudolf Virchow
d. Johanes Purkinye
e. Felix Durjadin
10. Fungsi ribosome adalah ...
a. ekskresi sel
b. proses respirasi sel
c. tempat sintesis protein
d. organ pencerna intra seluler
e. mensintesis lemak dan pati
11. Bakteri digolongkan dalam organisme prokariotik karena …
a. tidak memiliki membran plasma
b. tidak memiliki sistem endomembran dan membran nukleus
c. tidak memiliki mitokondria
d. tidak memiliki retikulum endoplasma dan lisosom
e. tidak memiliki membran plasma dan membran nukleus
12. Berikut adalah organel sel, kecuali ....
a. membran plasma
b. ribosom
c. nukleus
d. mesosom
e. mitokondria
13. Berikut yang bukan merupakan fungsi retikulum endoplasma adalah ....
a. sintesis protein
- sintesis lemak
- detoksifikasi
- tempat melekatnya ribosom
- transpor materi di dalam sel
14. Berikut ini yang termasuk organel sekretori adalah ….
a. lisosom
b. kompleks golgi
c. mesosom
d. mitokondria
e. retikulum endoplasma
15. Pencernaan intraseluler dilakukan oleh organel ....
- lisosom
- autosom
- vakuola kontraktil
- mesosom
- fagosom
16. Organel yang berfungsi sebagai penghasil energi adalah .…
- kloroplas
- nukleolus
- kompleks golgi
- mitokondria
- ribosom
17. Organel sel yang berperan mengarahkan kromosom ke kutub pada saaat pembelahan sel adalah ….
- nukleus
- sentriol
- ribosom
- nukleolus
- mitokondria
18. Bagian sel yang bersifat selektif permeabel adalaah ...
- dinding sel
- protoplasma
- badan golgi
- selaput plasma
- retikulum endoplasma
19. Pasangan yang menunjukkan ciri khas sel tumbuhan adalah …
a. dinding sel - kloroplas
b. membran plasma - nukleus
c. mitokondria – lisosom
d. vakuola – nukleus
e. retikulum endoplasma – badan golgi
20. Lipatan membran dalam kloroplas membentuk struktur yang disebut ....
- stroma
- granum
- kuantosom
- tilakoid
- tonoplas
makasih pak..soal2 ini membatu saya dlm belajar unt mid test biologi.
(SMA Stella Duce 2 Yogyakarta)
thanks pak is!
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