SMA Gonzaga’s Vision and Mission :
- Preparing the future leaders who have excellence, competence, responsibility, openness and integrative power in a spirit of services and to be concern for others and its environment, and should be imbued with the noble of conscience in the spirit of Christianity.
- Developing the youth to be mature person through to have experiences, reflection, action and evaluaton.
- Fostering a sense of social care
- Developing an understanding and appreciation of the values of life through the Spiritual exercises
- Instilling all Christianities’s values in everyday life.
- Fostering an attitude of openness and to be couraged to the habit of dialogue.
- Making a Personal approach
- To be a man on going formation
- Sturdy as a person, to be able to adapt both local and global developments, by sticking the assessment of healthy, conscience and concern for others.
- Being a pro-actived man and could be able to seek a lot of information and smart in its process from various sources.
- To be able to learn all new things so that they could be well adjusted.
- To have a communication skills in the community.
- To have an understanding and could appreciated a cooperation with others within different backgrounds. .
- To have a positive attitude toward the creativities and place it on respect in the dignity of mankind.
- To be concern and care within their environment.
- To be care for others, especially the option for the poor
We,as Gonzaga’s students , pledged to :
- Loyal to 1945’s Constitution and defended the Pancasila (the State’s Base) as the state foundation.
- Uphold the Gonzaga’s motto that is Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
- Respect to our parents, all teachers and all school’s staffs who as a representive of our our parent.
- Keep a sense of kinship and respect for other colleagues.
- Conscious that Gonz student are a human being who be educated, and to be a democratic citizens, therefore Gonz’s student should take a responsibility for the welfare of the country citizens
A Brief History of Gonzaga Senior High School and Wacana Bhakti Seminary
- Gonzaga Senior High School ( called SMA Gonzaga ) and Wacana Bhakti Seminary are the two different educational institutions but its two are closely related each other. The two are inseparable unite within a one institution in Wacana Bhakti Foundation. The Minor Seminary of Wacana Bhakti accommodated and educated the candidates of the future priests. The Seminarians stayed at dormitory which got the special program after school and to be the Gonz and got the same teaching at school at grade X, XI and XII..
- The Wacana Bhakti Foundation, initially planned just only for a Minor Seminary at the Arch Diocese of Jakarta (KAJ), but by concideration that the cost just only for the seminary would be too expensive, then it felt to need to established the high school for public, so the Gonzaga Senior High School and the Wacana Bhakti Seminary establishment could be inevitable .The building of Seminary and SMA Gonzaga is located at Jalan Pejaten Barat 10 in the land area of 2.8 hectares . Initially, the owner of the land was the Arch diocese of Jakarta on behalf of The Late Mgr. A. Djajaseputra, SJ who was as Archbishop of Jakarta. And then by the initiative of The Late Mgr. Leo Soekoto, SJ, who then the successor to Mgr. Djajaseputra, SJ, established a small committee for the construction of the seminary and high school building. Submission of building permit to local government to establish the building has been started since 1978, but its permit was issued after five years later.. It soon, a little comitte has been appointed by Arcbishop Mgr.Leo Soekoto SJ. The comitte soon followed up and worked hard, collected the funds, and have conducted to study to plan the construction. No more than two years (1986-1987), the entire Seminary’s complex, wchich was designed by Ir Wanda Basuki was really completed.
- On July 15, 1987, the Wacana Bhakti Seminary and the High school of South Canisius ( the first name of Gonzaga High School ) started to received the new students. All seminarians have also followed the teaching-learning process along with their friends at high school.
- One year later it was necessary needed the existence of other names of South Canisius that could be have the different characteristic of the school at Jln. Pejaten Barat 10A. The name of St Aloy Gonzaga finally has been chosen to renamed the name of the South Canisius. The name is taken from the Holly Saint, that was Sint. Aloysius Gonzaga ( let see the brief history of St. Aloysius Gonzaga).
- November 3, 1988 is a historic day for Gonzaga College. On that day the school was inaugurated by Mgr. Leo Soekoto, SJ along with Mr.Mochtar Zakaria, the Mayor of South Jakarta. By the expertise of Father J. Drost, SJ (the first Rector and the first Principal) wchich has been worked hard a long with his staffs and his teachers then for three years later, precisely on January 9, 1991, Gonzaga College could reached the good predicate by Education Ministry..
- The efforts of educational development within Gonzaga College and Wacana Bhakti Seminary was continuously improved. On1990-1991’s academic year,SMA Gonzaga started to recieved a girl student in order to give the feel of the youth to be a reasonable man and woman, especially for those both seminarians and boys students could growth normally. Eventhough it initially has been difficult for boys students to accept the presence of a girl student but it was not a problem.Finally all student to began to accept all girl students. The stakeholder expected to seminarians themselves to be a personal mature by the early of education process and would not become awkward whenever the Seminarian made friends along with women, especially in the field of priestly ministry later they could deal fairly. For boys student should also be expected that they could to have a reasonable association.
- In the leadership of ( the Late ) Father. R. Murtrisunu Wisnumurti, SJ (1991 s / d 1993) and Brother. Budihardjo, SJ, (1993 s / d 2000) , it was begun to improve a variety of development and physical arrangement implemented. The children get the means to exercise an excellent hiking with his set- wall climbing. Then, after Father J. Heru Hendarto SJ (2000 s / d 2009) replace Brother Budi to lead this College, the high technology due teaching - learning process begun to improve and the physical arrangement of the school continues to be developed. The room’s laboratories that be felt inadequate soon to be built so that it;s now available laboratories such as the physics laboratory, the chemistry laboratory and the biology laboratory. The school also improved the language laboratory, the computer laboratory, the dance room, the audio visual, and rebuilt the hall expansion. The school has also made the beautiful garden and now it’s to be so beautifull in the environment of Gonzaga. The beauty of the park and green campus were made in order to make Gonzaga became conducive place to make a learning community. It mean that the teaching and learning process at school to be pleased. Similarly, the library has been also developed by increasing the number of collections per year which are very quite significant.
- In July 2009, Father Heru Hendarto,SJ has been moved into Canisius College as the principal there,. Thus, the leadership of Gonzaga College became vacant and awaiting new principal. The appointment of Father A. Hendro Subekti, SJ became acting Principal at Gonzaga College (August to November 2009) has also given a new paradigm to challenged a boys student how those could to be” long-haired” to steped the average score up from 70 to be 80. Not more than one semester of his leadership, the position of principal replaced by Father A. Sigit Widisana, SJ ( 2009 to 2011 ).
- In July 2011, Father Leonardus Evert Bambang Winandoko, SJ, M.Ed.( used to be called Father Koko ) became Principal ( up to now ). He was Gonzaga College’s alumni which was graduated fifth from Gonzaga College. He is the first alumni of Gonz who served as the principal so that the spirit and the soul of Gonzaga to be easy in him to develop the characteristic of Gonzaga : to be proud, happiness,and involment wherever and whenever they are exist. Father Koko is going to continue and develope for the advancement of Gonzaga College. The internet programs, backward design’s curriculum and others have been included in the e-learning style which is now implemented.. The school administration have also to focused its development. Global Insight linking Gonzaga College with other colleges around the world began to get attention. All the developments taking place in Gonzaga College is always viewed in the context of the Church in the Archdiocese of Jakarta and the Society of Jesus provincial educational context of Indonesia until now
Jl. Pejaten Barat 10A - South Jakarta 12550 Indonesia | Tel. 62-21-7804986 | 62-21-7804996 | Fax. 62-21-7820740 l
History of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
- St. Aloysius Gonzaga was born in Northern Italy, between Brescia and Mantova. His father was a famous condottiere, a mercenary soldier. Saint Aloysius received military training, but his father also provided him with an excellent classical education, sending him and his brother Ridolfo to Florence to study while serving at the court of Francesco I de Medici.
- In Florence, Saint Aloysius became ill with a kidney disease, and, during his recovery, he devoted himself to prayer and the study of the lives of the saints. At the age of 12, he returned to his father's castle, where he met the great saint and cardinal Charles Borromeo. Aloysius had not yet received his First Communion, so the cardinal administered it to him. Shortly thereafter, Saint Aloysius conceived of the idea of joining the Jesuits and becoming a missionary.
- His father was adamantly opposed to the idea, both because he wanted his son to follow in his footsteps as a condottiere, and because, by becoming a Jesuit, Aloysius would give up all rights to inheritance. When it became clear that the boy was intent on being a priest, his family tried to convince him to become a secular priest and, later, a bishop, so that he could receive his inheritance. Saint Aloysius, however, was not to be swayed, and his father finally relented. At the age of 17, he was accepted into the Jesuit novitiate in Rome; at the age of 19, he took vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience. While he was ordained a deacon at the age of 20, he never became a priest.
- In 1590, Saint Aloysius, suffering from his kidney problems and other ailments, received a vision of the Archangel Gabriel, who told him that he would die within a year. When a plague broke out in Rome in 1591, Saint Aloysius volunteered to work with plague victims, and he contracted the disease in March. He received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and recovered, but, in another vision, he was told that would die on June 21, the octave day of the Feast of Corpus Christi that year. His confessor, St. Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, administered Last Rites, and Saint Aloysius died shortly before midnight.
Pious legend has it that Saint Aloysius's first words were
the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, and his last word was the Holy Name of Jesus.
" The large
silver - white Shielding)", is also known as "shield Marchese",
with a red cross attached patent. A large red cross dividing the shield into
four parts ; and in each part, there are four black birds that are flying low.
Everything is the same in the four areas.
In the middle, there is a "small shield" four-square is a symbol of Gonzaga comunity. "Small shield" is divided into four sections. The first and third sections in red with a lion who has gold-colored double tail, armed, ready to pounce, and necklaced crowned gold. The second and third part is a shield-colored striped gold and black.
Meaning of Symbol
"Bird" is a symbolic figure in the symbol of the Roman Empire, which means glory and victory, strength and power. "Flying Low" means humility, willingness to go down, down to earth, giving attention to the real life in society.
"Cross" is a Christian symbol, which means God's salvation of man through Jesus Christ who died on the cross and rose victorious. The cross is also a symbol of victory and faith.
"The lion armed" symbolizes strength, honesty (prudenza), and generosity. Silver lion in the red field symbolizes the patrician (Nobility), which grew from the behavior and virtuous soul.
Meaning of Color
Silver (white) on the "big shield" symbolizes light and air, the moon among the stars, diamond among gems. It is a symbol of understanding heart (concordia), purity, grace, generosity, and humility.
The red color on the whole logo is the color of fire. The color that symbolizes love, values, courage, generosity, greatness, nobility and power.
Gold color has a lot of sense qualities, namely: faith, justice, love, compassion (Clemenza), nobility (nobilità), firmness, kindness, strength, greatness of soul. The color gold is also a symbol of eternity.
The black color symbolizes the iron and diamonds / diamond, symbolizes strength, victory, courage, and honesty. It could also mean patience, humility and willingness to endure all the suffering and pain.
In the middle, there is a "small shield" four-square is a symbol of Gonzaga comunity. "Small shield" is divided into four sections. The first and third sections in red with a lion who has gold-colored double tail, armed, ready to pounce, and necklaced crowned gold. The second and third part is a shield-colored striped gold and black.
Meaning of Symbol
"Bird" is a symbolic figure in the symbol of the Roman Empire, which means glory and victory, strength and power. "Flying Low" means humility, willingness to go down, down to earth, giving attention to the real life in society.
"Cross" is a Christian symbol, which means God's salvation of man through Jesus Christ who died on the cross and rose victorious. The cross is also a symbol of victory and faith.
"The lion armed" symbolizes strength, honesty (prudenza), and generosity. Silver lion in the red field symbolizes the patrician (Nobility), which grew from the behavior and virtuous soul.
Meaning of Color
Silver (white) on the "big shield" symbolizes light and air, the moon among the stars, diamond among gems. It is a symbol of understanding heart (concordia), purity, grace, generosity, and humility.
The red color on the whole logo is the color of fire. The color that symbolizes love, values, courage, generosity, greatness, nobility and power.
Gold color has a lot of sense qualities, namely: faith, justice, love, compassion (Clemenza), nobility (nobilità), firmness, kindness, strength, greatness of soul. The color gold is also a symbol of eternity.
The black color symbolizes the iron and diamonds / diamond, symbolizes strength, victory, courage, and honesty. It could also mean patience, humility and willingness to endure all the suffering and pain.
Gonzaga Collegeis a high school at Jakarta Indonesia run by the Jesuit Priests. The school was established on 1987 and have boys and girls students. The "Competence, Conscience, Compassion" are values
that we stand
for. The school’s motto: "Ad Majorem Gloriam Dei", for
the Greater glory of God. Welcome to Gonzaga
College, we educate
and prepare the future leaders
who love God and
care for others!
Orang ini (P. DROST,SJ ) yang membuat aku selalu semangat dan harus compassion serta kudu competence dengan tidak lupa consience Thanks
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Rm Drost SJ
Rm Wisnumurti SJ
Bp Sumardi
Bp Soetaryo
Bp Andreas Tukiman
Bp John Moningka
Pak Jati
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